DIY Wood Slice Holiday Wreath


This rustic holiday wreath made from real wood slices is an unexpected Christmas gift for for friends or family. It’s easily customizable and also makes for a great item to sell at seasonal craft fairs!

4 inch wood slices Flat wooden wreath form (floral & craft ring) Wagner Furno 300 Heat Gun Scorch marker 4 inch letter stencils E6000 glue Various greenery and picks Small set of twinkle lights

What You’ll Need

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How to Make a Wood Slice Wreath


Start by arranging the first layer of wood slices around the wreath. You may need to turn them and move them around to get the best fit. Then glue in place. Decide on whatever word you want to burn into the slices. 

Cut out the letters from your stencils. Secure your first letter with some painter’s tape so that it doesn’t move around. Color in the letter with the scorch marker.

Turn the heat gun on. Hover it over the wood slice, keeping it in constant motion until the color starts to appear on the letter. Keep burning it until you get your desired color. 

Allow the wood slices to cool down. Put the “letter” wood slices back on the wreath and arrange everything until you’re happy with how it looks. Glue them in place. Gather up the greenery and picks and secure with floral wire
